Y'all know how much i love Kiwi Lane and their templates, right??? ... well... in case you didn't? I LOVE THEM! They make scrapping pages "cheaper" by using papers instead of expensive embellishments and stickers. They make scrapping with scraps a breeze because you rarely use full sheets of paper- they also cut down on the number of "matching" sheets i need for the same reason.
.... But do you know my favorite reason for loving this company??? THEIR SKETCHES! yes, that's right, i love a sketch with multiple photos. it's a great start to my scrapping. like all crafters, i get in a comfort mode ( aka... a rut) and my stuff starts looking the same. the templates give me a starting point- and it's usually different than "my standard page(s)".
well, over the course of 2014, Kiwi Lane provided 24 sketches to the scrapping community with the challenge of completing one every other week.... and all 24 by the end of the year. Although i didnt make the timing for the weekly challenge, i DID complete all 24 sketches.
I didnt end up winning the grand prize, but i ended up with 24 completed projects/pages and that feels SO GOOD! I do plan on keeping up this year, and let's see if maybe (one day... like 100 years from now...) i can catch up on my scrapping.... it's a dream, at least ;)
below are my submissions for the DT doodles (as well as a few from their "basic sketch challenge"- same idea, just not part of the year-long challenge). i hope they inspire someone!