Once again the ladies of the Iota Epsilon Chapter asked me to create some stationary for their Summer Recruitment/New Members."Fill in the blank" style cards were created to allow flexibility to the current members. White envelopes are also provided for all of the cards.

For an invitation to the Preference Party, flat postcards were created. Using white cardstock as a base, the ivy/logo is printed along the left side of the card, and the information is printed in a simple elegant font on the rest of the cards.
The current members were also looking for an elegant (and keepsake) way to ask the new prospects to become new members. A Silver fold over card contains a sage green ribbon, wrapped around the front/inside of the card. A monogram tag with the logo/chapter name was attached to the front of the card. Once opened, the bottom section of the card contains their wording.
The burgundy "border" is actually printed along the inner and outer tags- this gives the illusion of additional layers without the upgraded cost.
The new recruits will also receive an invitation to Initiation. Since Ursa Major is a symbol of the Alpha Phi Fraternity, we used the star layout as the focus of the card. Using a Steel fold over card with a silver top layer, seven small rhinestones were attached to the top layer in the shape of the Big Dipper. The inner layer includes the information for the ceremony, again, in the "fill-in" style.
And finally, they asked me to create a multipurpose card that could be used as a thank you or for any other need. We created a single fold card made of white cardstock with the logo and chapter name in a "tag" along with some horizontal stripes. The inside is blank so the ladies can use them for any occasion.
I wish the ladies a very successful recruitment and best of luck to you in the upcoming semester!